Hands-onLine Platform


Move Your Body – part 3

Boost your energy! Enjoy moving your body and stay in good shape.

Move Your Body – part 2

Boost your energy! Enjoy moving your body and stay in good shape.

Move Your Body – part 1

Boost your energy! Enjoy moving your body and stay in good shape.


An interesting art history lesson is in this video! Learn how to show all angles of a person or an object all at once and use the cubist technique in your next art projects!

Art In A Child’s Development

Why art and crafts are important for child development?

Recycled Inventions

Let’s recycle! This video teaches your children to generate less waste, separate it and reuse it, helping to reinforce their ecological values and commitment to the environment.

Blind Contour

Can you draw without looking at the paper! Learn a new artistic technique and use it to create your next art work.

Configuring Art

Explore basic art concepts through this video and translate it into a creative artwork.

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