Interactive Exhibits & Facilities

Air and Flight
The famous Museum’s plane, a flight simulator experience using an Airbus A318 model plane, a control tower and a wardrobe with costumes for different roles of the aircrew.
Learning outcomes: life skills, problem solving, team work, interpretation, synthesizing information, role play.
The Pythagorean theorem, volumes and puzzle solving
Learning outcomes: math – inquiry – problem solving.
Electricity and magnets
Learn about the generator, motors, conductivity and magnets. Learning outcomes: Scientific literacy and reasoning (physics) – problem solving, reasoning, analysis, interpretation, synthesizing information.
Stars and space
Learn about constellations, phases of the moon, seasons, and the succession of day and night.
Learning outcomes: Scientific literacy and reasoning (astronomy) – and problem solving, reasoning, analysis, interpretation, synthesizing information skills
Light and optics
Learn about shadows, mirrors, different lenses, kaleidoscopes, binoculars and optical fiber. Learning outcomes: Scientific literacy and reasoning, problem solving, interpretation, synthesizing information.
Tech & Communications
News casting and forms of communications. Children also learn how the mobile phone works, the modern means of communication, and the media. Learning outcomes: Information and communication technology (ICT) literacy, media and internet literacy, data interpretation and analysis, simple robotics.
Children learn about the movement of the skeleton inside our bodies, and together they compete in various physical challenges.
Learning outcomes: Scientific literacy (biology) – health and wellness literacy, including nutrition, diet, exercise.
Learn about a number of simple machines and on different models of pendulums.
Learning outcomes: Scientific literacy (physics) and reasoning, problem solving, interpretation, synthesizing information.
The Human Body
Learn about the five senses, digestive system and genetic traits.
Learning outcomes: Health and wellness literacy, including nutrition, diet, exercise, and scientific literacy - biology.
Ancient Times
Learn about the Silk Road different types of rocks, fossils and how to search for artifacts. Also, dig for artifacts and become an archeologist.
Learning outcome: local awareness, multicultural literacy, humanitarianism – cognitive skills – role play.
Water & Energy
Learn about Jordan’s water and energy resources, their use in our daily life and how to rationalize their consumption.
Learning outcome: Environmental and conservation literacy, ecosystems understanding – problem solving skills.
Express yourself
Children play in both the puppet and shadow theatre, and they play music on the special musical tables.
Learning outcomes: Creativity, artistry, curiosity, imagination, innovation, personal expression.
Biodiversity in Jordan
Learning about the nature of Jordan, its animals, plants, rocks, and some natural phenomena such as earthquakes.
Learning outcomes: Environmental and conservation literacy, ecosystems understanding, civic responsibility.
Experiencing a simulating building sites
Learning outcomes: Creativity, imagination, innovation, personal expression, role play.
Simulating a car’s maintenance experience using a realistic car model.
Learning outcomes: life skills, imagination – role play, problem solving, self-direction, planning.
The Police Station
What is it like to be a detective in addition to fingerprints analysis.
Learning outcomes: life skills, imagination – role play, problem solving.
The Bank
Raise children’s awareness on financial literacy and educate them about savings and the difference between needs and desires.
Learning outcomes: Economic and financial literacy, self-direction, planning.
The Supermarket
Learn about healthy food, and how to prepare a balanced meal through the shopping experience.
Learning outcomes: life skills, imagination – role play, planning, problem solving.
Once Upon a Shape
Though there are many areas inside the Museum suitable for toddlers under the age of 5, we dedicated the Once Upon a Shape area exclusively for them as a safe learning space. It is a closed area that includes many interesting corners, intended to help a toddlers’ cognitive and motor skills.
The Tinkering Studio
An immersive, active and creative space, where children can explore and investigate scientific phenomena. Tinkering is about hands-on experiences, creating things, invent and learning from failure.
A wall designed for a fun learning experience.
Learning outcomes: physical activity.
The Museum’s library contains more than 5,000 books and stories for children, in addition to storytelling and many activities provided inside the library within the daily visitor’s program.
The Secret Garden
A beautiful green space in the library’s backyard where children learn about agriculture, various local plants, and healthy food.
The Art Studio
A special place for children to express themselves and to learn about different art techniques through art programs and workshops.
The Restaurant
During your visit, enjoy many snacks and cold/ hot drinks in the Museum’s Restaurant, with its nice indoor lounge and Outdoor-overlooking terrace.
The Restaurant is run by Al Karma Kitchen and located next to the Museum’s Shop and near the main entrance.
Tiny Tots Space
A curious space dedicated for toddlers (1-5 years), where we offer various interactive ECD activities throughout the year. A place where your little one can explore and develop their basic skills safely and freely with their parents.
The Museum's Shop
A special collection of educational and fun products. the shop includes many Museum originals designed by the Museum's team, in addition to selected products by many vendors you love. All in one place
Highlights of the Month
Every day, there is a new experience happening at the museum.

The studio exhibit is all set to welcome your children, giving them the chance to step into new roles and experience the thrill of being TV presenters up close.

Winter Camp: Cultures from Around The World
Four weeks of fun and learning await your children at our winter camp! The program is packed with exciting activities and workshops full of creativity, art, science, play, and so much more.

Arabic Language Month
Celebrate World Arabic Language Day with us on December 18!
Join us as we explore the beauty of the Arabic language through stories, games, art, science and cultural activities.
Check out the full program on our Activities Calendar page.
Join us as we explore the beauty of the Arabic language through stories, games, art, science and cultural activities.
Check out the full program on our Activities Calendar page.
Arabic Language Month
Celebrate World Arabic Language Day with us on December 18!
Join us as we explore the beauty of the Arabic language through stories, games, art, science and cultural activities.
Check out the full program on our Activities Calendar page.

The daily calendar of activities
Every day, there is a new experience happening at the museum.

get to know our

The Mobile Children’s Museum
The Mobile Children’s Museum was launched in 2012. It aims at extending the Children's Museum's exciting learning experiences to as many children as possible across the Kingdom. The Mobile Museum opens its doors for free for families and students wherever it goes. It includes several stations carried within its moving truck such as 3D Planetarium, Energy Around Us station, Art station, City Square station, and other stations displayed usually inside sport halls and halls of some schools. Through these stations, children enjoy the activities, science shows and interactive exhibits presented by the Museum’s facilitators.

CMJ Experts Consultation
CMJ experts provide consultancy to informal and non-formal learning organizations
as well as emerging and established museums and centers.
as well as emerging and established museums and centers.