The Children’s Museum Products

Tinkering Box 2

About the product:

This product is specially designed for little Inventors and Innovators! It offers concrete, infinite STEM concepts with fun learning activities and prompts kids to think about, design and ultimately build their own innovative products.

Age: 8+

Price: JD 16

Languages: available in English and Arabic

Scientific concepts to learn:

  • How to put a simple circuit together
  • The concept of movement and the pushing force, and helping them to create kinetic models.

The product helps develop the following skills:

  • Problem-solving skills
  • Creative thinking skills
  • Motor skills

What is inside the box:

The box includes tools to make two products of tinkering: (car and scribbling machine).

  • Car body, wheels, race track and car stickers
  • Wooden sticks, balloon and metal rods
  • Electric motor, paper tape and markers 
  • Glow stick, colorful feathers and short straws
  • Long Straw, googly eyes and battery holder
  • AA Batteries and plastic cup
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